A man was fatally injured in a series of events that unfolded in New Britain on Thursday morning. According to police, the incident began with a...
The exact circumstances surrounding the separation of the part from the plane remain unclear at this time.
Alpharetta, GA – Alpharetta Police Detectives have arrested 21-year-old Jaden Lewis of Milton, Georgia on charges of Murder and Aggravated Assault. The arrest comes less than...
The juvenile will be charged with the felony offense of "Threatening a Terroristic Act" and will face prosecution accordingly.
The manhunt for Joseph Couch continues.
A female victim who was inside the unit with the suspect succumbed to a gunshot wound after being transported to a local hospital.
Broomfield, CO – The Broomfield Police Department is continuing to investigate a shooting incident that occurred early Thursday morning at the Arista Flats Apartments located at...
The report, consisting of a summary and a full 200-page document, outlines the findings of the CBP Office of Professional Responsibility's Critical Incident Review.
The individual responsible for the incident has been identified.
UPDATE (11:50 a.m.): Foley High School will begin dismissing students at noon following the campus lockdown earlier today. According to a press release from Baldwin County...